Thursday, April 29, 2010

China > U.S.?!?!?!?!?

Oh how the mighty have fallen. As the United States continues to fall behind in more categories than this box has room to name, China is thriving. It is truly eye opening to witness in my lifetime the period where the United States falls in comparison to another country. Even though The United States may seem like the utopia in the west, increasing unemployment rates and inflation can quickly prove this wrong. China is coming in hot, and there is no end in sight, seeing as how the Chinese are becoming more developed and the PERFECT example of how capitalism should work. In the end, China could be making the advances that the United States made when they broke away from Great Britain, and we all know how that ended.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Georges Leroux, L'Enfer (Hell), 1917-18

Hell. War is hell on earth, where human life and suffrage plays no part in the decision making of the few who control the outcome of millions. In this painting by Leroux, I can personally see what Hell looks like. The carnage on battlefields due to heavy artillery, poison gas and other new weaponry could never outweigh the amount of life lost, brothers killed, and widows made. This was not a war where only the soldiers suffered, but the entire country suffered, families were lost and so were the thoughts of some world leaders. When war was an organized game with rules and a system, one could say it was clean, yet bloody. This new type of war, total war, with trench warfare that led to death almost guaranteed for those who participated, left a bloody mark on history. Although I am sure we can see Hell in this painting, we can only begin to imagine the real Hell that these soldiers lived.