Sunday, May 16, 2010

Pic Related

The final conclusion.

Throughout the recent years, many problems and solutions have arisen by means of conflict, stress, fear and time. It is merely a matter of years before world war three breaks out, a bold statement, I know, but how can we continue to ignore what is going on around us? Darfur, Iraq, Afghanistan, North Korea, Japan, Iran, the whole world is on fire. But remember, we didn't start the fire, it was always burning since the world's been turning.

Iraq (eee-rock) war/conflict

The war in Iraq is the new problem faced by Americans, and the world, today. With a government and country in shambles, American forces are working steadily to prevent terrorism taking over and a stable government similar to that in the United States established. The country is unstable, and fights the reform every step, which is where the problem lies for our efforts. Seeing as how I just had a cousin return from a tour of duty, this is my most connected problem in the world today, and we can only hope to find a solution to the distress in the middle east soon.


The most memorable day in current generations mind, the day that will truly live in infamy, September 11Th, 2001. The attack on the world trade centers in New York City was a shameful attack by Osama bin Laden and the Taliban against American civilians and everything our glorious country represents. Thousands of innocent Americans lost their lives on that sad day, and it was because personal and religious views clouded the judgement of one man, a terrorist. With hatred in the world, there can never be peace.

The Cold war. Brrr.

The Cold war, one of the only wars without real fighting, was one of the scariest times in all of America's pristine history. The soviet union and the United states both had their fingers over the big red button, waiting for someone to fire the first shot. The Cuban missile crisis and the U-2 incident are great examples of major events during this time in history, where the only thing that was assured, was mutually assured destruction.

Age of anxiety summarized.

The age of anxiety was a crucial time in history between the two biggest wars our world has ever seen. Whether it was Hitler in Germany, or Mussolini in Italy, fear was an abundance in Europe, and would soon seep into the United States. This time period is a great example of how we as a whole must assist in recovering, torn countries before terror and fear become the platform for governments.

Six feet under with the waters rising

This piece of art said to represent the Age of anxiety, shows me that people could only watch as the wave of terror began to creep over Europe. Hitler and Mussolini were converting the masses into their own followings and creating armies that would soon prove to outmatch those of other bordering countries, and bring with them a wave of fear throughout the world. Although the picture shows a child running, it could represent the eastern European countries running to the United States for help against these major tyrants. In the end, all that matters is the outcome.